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MAIK's Creators API

MAIK’s Creators API ™ capacitates small businesses to embed true, private, custom-made artificial intelligence and machine learning into their operations, and products with simple, intuitive, and cost-effective API calls.

MAIK Creators API 

01 - Easily Build, Deploy, and Maintain.

MAIK’s Creator API compresses all the technically complex and time-sucking steps required when hard coding a predictive, computer vision, audio, and large language models.  We have converted all of these steps into simple, easy to understand API calls. 

02 - Fresh to Order 

MAIK’s Creators API does not use pre-trained models, and when you use MAIK’s Creators API you ARE NOT fine-tuning a model.  Our API allows you to create and train models from scratch. These models are yours and are based solely on the data you used.

03- Private & Confidential

Every model you create is yours and yours only. MAIK does not use your data or your model for any purpose; nor do we train models with your data. We have no visibility into the data and the model you create. We only know what type of model you created and the number of calls.

How it Works:  True AI/ML for your business. 

 You identified the specific internal and external need AI/ML will help solve for your business.  

Incorporate the model's output  internally or externally to your processes, and or products. 

MAIK's Creators API eliminates the time sucking, labor intensive, costly, and technically challenging work of hard coding models.  Your solo developer will have a custom-made, propietary, and confidential AI/ML model in minutes. 

Start Building Now

Be Different.

 Build, deploy, and maintain more types of AI/ML including predictive, computer vision, audio, and large language models. 

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